Wednesday, March 4, 2009

A day I have feared for so long...

Today, a little piece of me died. On the way to take Maison to daycare, Mom called to tell me that my precious Nana is gone. I knew it was coming. I even knew it was soon. Mom and I talked about it. When they started pre-planning her funeral, I even told her that I wanted to be the one to speak at the funeral. As soon as the phone rang that early in the morning, I knew why. I thought I had prepared myself for this. The last time we were in Birmingham, I had said my peace with her. Made sure I looked her in the eye and told her I loved her. After each visit over the last few months, I knew that each time I drove away would quite possibly be the last time I saw her alive. But those words... “Melissa, she’s gone”... like a ton of bricks they hit me, sucking the air out of my lungs. I tried my best to hold it together until I got Maison into the daycare. Thank God for Denise and Paula. They saw the look on my face, scooped her up and got her in the classroom.

I got back in the car and couldn’t breathe. I was gasping for breath when I called Trey. Then my motherly instincts took over and forced myself to calm down. Holden needs me to stay calm through this. How am I going to make Maison understand this? And for that matter, how am I going to make myself understand? She was supposed to live forever...

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