Monday, December 17, 2007

Who's the Boss?

I think the "Terrible Twos" are starting... We are having trouble identifying who is actually the head of our household. Miss Priss has started to figure out how to sass us and I am scared. We tell her she can't do something, to stop doing something, don't touch, etc. And she has taken to spinning around, pointing her cute little finger and saying, "No Mommy/Daddy". And it is said with ATTITUDE! I told Trey over the weekend that we have got to figure out a way to let her know that WE are the PARENTS and SHE is the CHILD. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I have a fear of turning into one of those families that needs the Super Nanny.

And another thing... Is it humanly possible to overdose on peanut butter? I am starting to worry that we are going to need some sort of 12 step program for toddlers.

For those of you expecting a Christmas card from us, it might be more of a New Years card. The US Postal service is not on my side this year. I am still awaiting my shipment from the card company. Better late than never, huh?

Thursday, December 13, 2007

"Eye" dream of genie...

Well, the eyes are on the mend... sort of. Went to see the doc yesterday. Took out the bandage contact. I think my vision was better before he took it out. He says I'm still not healed so don't get frustrated yet. I wanted to slap him. I mean I have not seen correctly since October 6. I passed frustrated about a month ago, Doc. Patience... it's a virtue, right?

The baby girl is good. If you have ever wondered if small children dream like we do, the answer is yes. The first thing she said to me yesterday morning was "Purter" (her pronunciation of Porter, my sister's dog's name). So I assumed she had a dream about him. Then last night she cries out in her sleep. I get in her room and she is sitting up, eyes closed, saying "Bye Bye Mommy, my jackie (jacket)" Then she just fell back over and was out. And people ask me why I have not switched to the toddler bed yet... I see a sleepwalker in my future.

Picture of the day: Sporting Mommy's sunglasses and her new purple dress up shoes. We call this look "Hollywood"!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

This blogging thing...

I'm not so sure about it, but more and more people I know are doing it, so I thought I'd jump on the bandwagon...

We're good. Gearing up for Christmas. Tried to take Maison to sit in Santa's lap at the John Deere dealership. It didn't go so well.

Last night we took her to Wal-Mart to shop for the little girl we adopted off the Salvation Army Angel Tree. After torturing her with picking out toys that were not actually for her, I was impressed that we walked out with just a small stuffed Winnie the Pooh who will now call our house his home. Dad made the trip with us, therefore Mom was exhausted after herding 2 children through the aisles of toys. Couldn't keep her away from the baby dolls, couldn't keep him off the Tonka trucks!