Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Creating a Monster

Alabama Football has been awesome this year. Our Crimson Tide is 11-0 going into the off week before the Iron Bowl.

Over the course of the season, Daddy has taught our daughter what it means to truly love the Tide and to eat, sleep and breathe it for 4 months of the year.

She knows that Coach Saban is the coach. She can even pick him out on Sports Center. Ask her who her favorite player is and you will hear "Julio! Number 8!" She can even point him out on the TV screen. Big Al is her best friend. And just last week she finally understood that you don't just say "Roll Tide" during kick-off... It is "RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLL!"

I have visions of that little girl in the movie "Remember the Titans". She is going to be 8 years old calling penalties and questioning play calls.

Now, if we can just teach her the "Rammer Jammer" song, I think our season will be considered a huge success!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Text from the Teacher

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: U should be very proud of MAE... We were sayin our morning prayers and today I asked them each to tell God thanks for something he has given them... After all the other kids went and thanked Him for toys and baby dolls... She looked at me and said... Thank you God for my mommy and daddy... AMEN! I was so happy to hear that.

Text from Mommy to Miss Paula: I am crying.

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: I was about to... I’m glad a kid sees there is more than material things to be thankful for

Text from Mommy to Miss Paula: She is a good baby.

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: She really is... Ya’ll are so blessed!