Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Pop Go The Wiggles!

Took Maison over to Mobile last night to see the Wiggles with Mary & Molly, Mo & Lucy and Emily & John... She had a great time. We stopped at Target and got a bone for Wags the Dog. I fully expected MAE to jump up and down and dance the entire concert, but she proved me wrong. She sat in my lap and stared at the stage in an almost scary trance... The only time she showed some excitement was when Wags came out. She looked at me frantically and said, "BONE!!!!!" Then started grabbing for the bag. Once she got it, she held it up in the air hoping Wags would spot her in the crowd and come get it. No such luck. I thought she had forgotten about it until we were leaving and she looked at my like her little heart was crushed and said, "Mommy, Wags no get my bone for him." I quickly responded that he called me on my cell phone and said we should take it home to Bama. She smiled and said "OK." Man, I am good!
Here are a couple of pictures. She has been sick for the last week or so and was pretty worn out toward the end of the show. Not to mention that I think they forgot to turn the air conditioner on in the Mobile Civic Center. It was about 90 degrees in there. Our child takes after her father in that she is extremely hot natured. I think she must have felt it was way too hot to dance!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Text from the Teacher

"So mrs cindy picked me up a simple polo dress today and when i tried it on i went to show jennifer for her opinion... Mae looks at me and puts her little hands over her chest and says 'oh my goodness i love it... i have to have me one of those...' it was so flippin' cute!"

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bed Bugs

Aunt Sissy frequently has stories about Joe Joe and the "entertainment" he sometimes provides while he is sleeping. She has been awoken to him freaking out that there were bugs in the bed or people trying to come in the window. He talks nonsense and has even snatched all her covers and demanded that she get up. I think the most humorous stories involve what Joe refers to as his "Jimmy Legs"... Once Michelle not-so-calmly-or-politely explains to him that he is dreaming, his response kind of goes like this: "Oh. There are not bugs in the bed. Ok, Michelle." Then his head hits the pillow and he is back out. Michelle, on the other hand, has to spend 30 minutes waiting for her blood pressure to return to normal before going back to sleep.

I know that is biologically impossible for Maison to have inherited what I call Joe's "Jimmy Leg Gene", but somehow, through the miracle of the universe, she did... The other day, she was crying that there was a seal in her bedroom. It was actually a black shirt wadded up on the floor next to her closet. If you look back to this post you will notice that Maison's sheets are white with little black polka dots. On more than one occasion, the "Jimmy Leg Gene" has caused her to wake up in the middle of the night screaming "Ladybugs in my bed, Mommy!" And I am not talking about just loudly explaining to me that her bed is infested with ladybugs. I am talking about blood-curdling-hysterical-my-hair-is-on-fire screaming. It startles me awake so fiercely that I literally make it from my bed to her bedside without my feet ever touching the floor. Once I gently explain to her that the "ladybugs" are actually polka dots, she looks at me and says "Oh. Polka dots on my sheets. Okay, Mommy." Then her head hits the pillow and she is back out. Mommy, on the other hand, has to spend 30 minutes waiting for her blood pressure to return to normal before going back to sleep.

I spent my lunch hour at Belk purchasing new sheets... without polka dots... Joe, you owe me $42.79 since your gene caused this problem.

Monday, July 14, 2008

Are you there, God? It's me, Maison...

Yesterday, Maison was the only child at church. So she had 100% of Brother Robbie's attention when it came time for the Children's Moment. Robbie began telling her the story of two brothers named Esau and Jacob. She responded by looking around the church and asking him "Where are dey?"

Later in the service, during the sermon, she crawled up in my lap, opened the Bible like she was reading it and said "Dear God..." I was not too sure how loud she had said it until after the service, the lady that plays the piano came up to me and said, "I heard her sweet little voice say 'Dear God' and I sure wish I could have recorded it!"

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Rollin' on the River

Maison and I had our first outing to the river yesterday. Miss Tommie and her husband "Gant" invited us up to their camp for a day of swimming at the sand bar. Mommy being a transplanted, albeit well-adapted city girl, was a little apprehensive. I have a phobia of being in water that does not allow me to see my feet. And south Mississippi has alligators. However, I must admit that the vision of swampy banks and gators lurking all around, were way off from actuality! We had a great time. Maison was so worn out that she fell asleep in the car before we even really got out of the driveway. I checked the clock and noted the time as 5:24 because I did not want her to sleep too long and keep us up all night. I put her in her bed when we got home and at 7:30 I thought I would see if I could wake her and occupy her until about ten-ish. She very crankily said "Lee me lone, Mommy!" So I walked out and when Trey and I went to bed at ten, I had visions of her waking up for the next day at 4 AM. Not so much... she slept until 7:45 this morning!!!! 14 hours. Play hard, sleep harder!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday, Aunt Wiz!

Today is Aunt Liz's, or as Maison calls her "Wiz", birthday. Happy Birthday to you! We love you tons and wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th of July

CHAOS!!!! We had a crazy, crowded, but super fun 4th of July weekend. I am just now recovering. BeBe and Poppa J held their "sort of kind of annual only when the 4th falls on a weekend" pool party and we had a house full of people. Sissy & Joe Joe, Lynch and Aaron, Uncle Andy, Christie, Bubbie & Rach, Aunt Patsy and Uncle Dave...

Maison woke up the morning of the 4th a little before 7 o'clock. She stayed in the pool ALL DAY, refused her nap and made it until 8:30 that night before crashing! Thanks to Miss Alice for all the fun paints and colors and Miss Connie for all of the nifty toys. I think you guys kept her from becoming the "No Nap Monster"!

Here's a few pics. The cutie patootie dress MAE is wearing is an Aunt Patsy original.

May the lobster float rest in peace. It was not made for a man of Bubbie's stature... I bought a whale to replace it... Daddy was not a fan of Maison's "kini"... thought she was showing too much skin!